Facebook code Tricks

Facebook doesn’t provide all the possible features to any Facebook users. It might be because of its Privacy policy. But the users are always in the search of instant ways to use Facebook effectively and maximize its experience.
Therefore we have brought you some cool Facebook code tricks that makes your Facebook experience even more easy and interesting. Its about selecting all the friends at once while inviting them to any event, group or any page, viewing the hidden content of any Facebook page without making a like to that page and viewing the private photo albums of any user without adding them on Facebook. Enjoy!

1. Select all Friends for an Invitation instantly

To select all the friends to invite them all to your group/event/page, Click the “Suggest to friends” link in that page. Now when a box appears with the name of your friends, copy-paste the following code on your browser address bar and hit Enter key. Bingo! all the friends are selected, now invite them all with one step.
javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){fs.click(elms[fid]);}}

2. View the Hidden content of a page without making a Like

This trick is used to view the hidden content of any Facebook page without making a like to that page. This trick was also previous published in our recent post  How to view the hidden content of Facebook pages without making a Like, you can find even more tricks related to this topic in this post.

3. View Private Photos on Facebook

This trick is used to view the photos of people blocked due to privacy issue even without adding them on Facebook. Just go to the person’s page and enter the following code in the address bar. Now as soon as you hit the Enter key, the private photos are unveiled to you now.

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