TIPS to Embed YouTube videos easily in WordPress posts

Youtube is the most popular Online video community where users can share their videos and discover millions of videos uploaded by other people. Videos are the most convenient way to share knowledge to other people and make them understand about the key subject. Although there are many websites where you can host your videos for free share to other people but embedding YouTube videos in the post is wise job.
In blogging there is also great hand of videos to make people understand about the core content. Videos explains more then the text based posts actually do. Thats why nowadays many popular websites replaced the text content with the video contents and its even more useful for the readers.

Recently we published a post related to YouTube, 10 most Popular videos of all time on YouTube. There I have embedded about 10 videos. Embedding videos with the Embed code from YouTube is also not the convenient way. Whenever you make some changes to the posts later, the embed code may got disappear leaving the blank area for video. Embedding many videos at one post using embed code also makes editing the post confusing.
WP YouTube Player is the ultimate free WordPress Plugin that helps you easily Embed YouTube in your WordPress posts. Once you Install the plugin, You can insert Youtube videos into WordPress blog using quicktag [tube][/tube] Tag.
The plugin Consists a configuration panel where you can choose the player options and also configure the embed options. It also got the support for the HTML5 player. So when you want to make settings to your player later then you can easily apply the settings to all the embeds at once.
This plugin also supports the Tubeplayer to embed in the WordPress post. Moreover this plugin automatically generates <object> code for Feed compatibility and also generates <object> code optimized for iPhone.

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